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FH DAB & Arch Control Standards

Architectural Control Standards (also known as ACS) are derived from both the governing documents (covenants & by-laws) as well as from Board approved policies.  Standards that are defined specifically in the governing documents cannot be altered without Fox Hollow property owners voting in favor of making such alteration as defined in the governing documents.

Standards that are defined by the Board can be amended by a majority vote of the Board voting in favor of making a change. The purpose of these kinds of standards is to:
  • Clarify and define areas of vagueness within the governing documents.
  • Create a procedure around a requirement so that it may be fulfilled.
Standards created through Board policy cannot negate, violate, or work against any of Fox Hollow’s governing documents.

Return completed DABRFs to one of the DAB members, who are Sharon Ziemba and Marvia Korol. 

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